Publications & Research Projects

Visiting Scholars 

Fall 2018

Alexandre Emerick Neves — Fullbright Scholar
Art History Department,Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, BRAZIL

Summer 2018

Francisco Sáez Raposo — Jaime del Amo Scholar
Depto de Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN 

Publications of the Center for Catalan Studies (CCS)

On-line Publications:


eHumanista/IVITRA ( is an online journal devoted to the promotion of the literature and culture of the Catalan speaking world.  It is an international, peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for interdisciplinary research that focuses on the culture, language and literature of the Crown of Aragon. It is published in Catalan, English, and Spanish at the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese (UCSB).

Mirabilia/ Med Trans

Mirabilia/MedTrans ( is an online external peer-reviewed international journal from the Institut d´Estudis Medievals (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) which provides a forum for strictly original articles, documents and academic reviews produced by scholars of the Mediterranean and transatlantic approaches to the culture of the Crown of Aragon. The journal is also sponsored by the Center for Catalan Studies / Centre d´Estudis Catalans (University of California, Santa Barbara).

SIBA (Journal of Iberian and Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies)

SIBA ( is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal hosted by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at California State University-Fullerton. It is published annually (January) in print and digital formats. SIBA emerged from the international consortium formed by the following universities: California State University-Fullerton, Center for Medieval Studies-University of São Paulo, University of Girona, Prometeo/ISIC-IVITRA/University of Alicante, Pablo de Olavide University, and the Center for Catalan Studies (University of California, Santa Barbara).

NAER (Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research)

The Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER) ( is a biannual (January and July) international scientific peer-reviewed journal which emerges from the research groups EDUTIC-ADEI and EDAFIS in the University of Alicante ( and the educational divisions of the projects DIGICOTRACAM (Prometeo Programme for Research Groups of Excellence, Ref. Prometeo-2009-042, financed by the ERDF) and the Project IVITRA ( The aim of the journal is to promote research, innovation and transfer of scientific knowledge, and it is defined as an interdisciplinary scientific journal in the educational field of the Social Sciences. Its prioritary audience spans –albeit not exclusively- the scientific and professional Education community.

Publications on Paper:

Publications of eHumanista specializes in monographs, collaborative volumes and translations of classical and contemporary Catalan literature. Among its publications to date, we could mention the following titles: Las ´Obras de burlas´ del Cancionero general de Hernando del Castillo; Specchio o Libro delle donne; Multilingual Joan Roís de Corella; Days of Wrath; L´obra de Joan Roís de Corella; Religión y economía. Los chuetas y la Inquisición mallorquina; and From Renaissance to Renaissance / (Re)creating Valencian Culture (15th-19th c.).

Publications of the Center for Catalan Studies (literature and culture series; linguistics series) has currently two volumes in preparation devoted to Applied Linguistics and Music and Protest in the Catalan World.

John Benjamins. Series IVITRA: Research in Linguistics and Literature | Studies, Editions and Translations

This publication series ( aims to publish materials from the IVITRA Research Project. IVITRA carries out research on literary, linguistic and historical-cultural topics, and on history of literature and translation, specially relating to the Crown of Aragon in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The series includes monographs, textual editions and translations that focus on: Romance Philology; Catalan Philology; Translation and Translatology; Translation of Classics from the Crown of Aragon Classics; Diachronic Linguistics; Corpus Linguistics; Pragmatics & Sociolinguistics; Literary and historical-cultural studies; and E-Learning and IST applications. 

Research Projects