Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University. He specializes in Iberian and Latin American literary and cultural studies with a transnational, comparative and interdisciplinary focus. His research interests lies at the intellectual crossroads of literature, history, classics, with philosophical hermeneutics at the core. He is the author of numerous articles published in Modern Language Notes, Crítica hispánica, Hispanic Research Journal, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Hispamérica, Romance Quarterly, Hispanófila, Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana, eHumanista, Neophilologus, Analecta malacitana, and Revue d’Études Catalanes. Professor Mallorquí-Ruscalleda is a member of many international and interdisciplinary research groups, and has participated in numerous international and national conferences. He is the co-founder and executive editor of the Studia Iberica et Americana. Among others, he is also a member of ISIC/IVITRA (University of Alicante). He has taught and lectured at various Spanish, Canadian, US, and Brazilian universities, including Princeton University, University of Western Ontario, and University of Prince Edward Island (both in Canada). Among his many monohraphs and editions we could mention: The Templars: Essays on Their History, Fall, and Legacy (2017), El género epístolar en el seiscientos hispánico: Justo Lipsio y su “Epistolica institutio” (2017), Tocados por la santidad: lectores, lectura y usos de los “Quijotes a lo divino” (2016), Libros de caballerías “a lo divino” (1552-1601), Historia, crítica y poética de un género literario olvidado (2016), and La Kloakada. Neovanguardia latinoamericana de los 80 (2015).