Ramon Sistac i Vicén



Ramon Sistac i Vicén is Professor of Catalan Dialectology at the University of Lleida, where he directs the research group Oficina de Llengua i Literatura de Ponent i del Pirineu. He is a member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans and of the Comissió de Toponímia del Govern d’Andorra i del Consell Social de la Llengua Catalana. He has published numerous articles and monographic studies on Romance Dialectology, Aragonese Catalan, Pallarés, Ribagorçà, Western Catalan, Dialectal and Linguistic Borders, Language Normalization, etc. He also specializes in translation from Contemporary Aragonese and the study of Occità Aranès. He is director of the Linguistic Section of the Centre d'Estudis Ribagorçans and a member of the Iniciativa Cultural de la Franja.